Hi there, thanks for visiting my website!
My passion is using computers to better understand data and the world around us. I am incredibly lucky to have been born just as computers are becoming powerful enough to understand data in new ways.
My resume gives context for a lot of this work and can be viewed on the left side tab. This website acts as a portfolio for some of the projects I’ve worked on (most to least recent) – where I believe my most valuable career skills are highlighted:
- Drive and confidence in learning
- Software proficiency:
- Python (Keras/TensorFlow, Scikit-learn, pandas, numpy, seaborn)
- MATLAB (signal analysis)
- Also familiar with java, C, Javascript
- Statistics
- Effect size analysis
- Neural network + machine learning modelling
- Communication and teamwork skills: updated progress regarding all these projects during weekly team meetings.
I was the primary person responsible for all the projects and figures displayed here so please feel free to reach out for any additional information. (special thanks to all collaborators and supervisors for the help and inspiration)